Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Bike to school day / Help a Mom Out Day

Today was national Bike to School Day.  My girls' school participated by having all the kids gather near the neighborhood pool, and then some police officers led the pack of elementary school kids the half mile to school.  My older daughter, Olivia, loved it.  She loves to ride her bike and zips all over the neighborhood.  My younger daughter, Sarah, wanted no part of this event.  She has told me in no uncertain terms that she "will never ride a bike."  She has had bikes all of her life, but has always been afraid to ride without training wheels.  So Sarah and I walked and watched the other kids ride.  I mentioned to Sarah that maybe she could practice riding her bike, and that next year she could ride too.  She then reminded me that she was "never going to ride a bike".  Sigh. 
Olivia on her bike

I dropped the girls off at school and then set off to walk home.  I passed a few stragglers that had missed the main pack of kids.  One Mom in particular was pushing a baby in a stroller, while her school age kid was riding his bike down the sidewalk up ahead.  Her 3 year old son was walking way behind her.  He was wearing a bike helmet (no bike), and crying.  The Mom was yelling at him to catch up with her.  I could see that she was worried about the older son on the bike crossing the street by himself.  I knew exactly how this Mom felt, as I have been there myself! I went over to the 3 year old and said, "Is that your Mom up there?"  He nodded yes.  I said, "Take my hand and let's catch up to her, ok?"  We walked up to the Mom, who looked a little frazzled, but glad for my help.  We introduced ourselves and I peeked at the baby in the stroller.  It was another boy.  "Wow, 3 boys!  God Bless!"  I said.  She thanked me and I walked home. Sometimes it takes a village, you know?  Now I just have to remember to go back to the school at 3p to escort my girls home!

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