Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Things I learned at Field Day

The only field day I remember from my childhood was in the 4th grade when we lived in Texas.  There were sack races, a 50 yard dash, and maybe a relay race.  Very basic, no Moms to help, just teachers. 

Last week my girls had field day at their elementary school.  When the call went out for volunteers, of course I volunteered to help.  There were probably 30 Moms there running the games. There was a morning shift and an afternoon shift.  I had to volunteer for both, since one of my girls had field day in the morning, and the other one had it in the afternoon.  The game that I was in charge of was the pizza delivery man race.  It figured that my game would have something to do with food!This consisted of empty pizza boxes being carried back and forth by the kids in a relay type race.  I ran this game probably 50 times the entire day, with every group from Kindergarten up to 5th grade.

Sarah and friends

Here are the top questions asked by the students:
1. Are there pizzas in there?
2. Are we going to get to eat pizza?
3. Can I go first?
4. Do we sit down when we are done?
5. Where do I put my water bottle?

Best class Tshirts

Olivia and friends
The need to "go first" was especially strong in 1st and 2nd graders.  The need to win was especially strong in 3rd and 4th graders (mainly boys). Some of the boys like to throw the boxes on the ground and jump on them.  The 5th graders were the best at following directions and sitting down nicely when their team was done.  The Kindergarteners were of course the cutest and just wandered around looking at stuff. 

My poor pizza boxes were trash by the end of the day.  I think the kids all had fun. My throat is still sore from yelling directions!


  1. I think I would have asked if there was pizza later too!

    1. The closer it got to lunch time, the more they asked if they would get to eat pizza! I can't blame them, I wanted some pizza myself!
