Me and my Dad at his 70th birthday party |
This year during the month of November, I decided to copy some friends' Facebook page idea, and post one thing every day that I was thankful for. Days 1-15 were easy: kids, family, husband, friends. But after that it got harder. I had to really look at all that I had around me, things that I took for granted on a daily basis, and give thanks for those things. Beautiful sunny days, rainy days, cinnamon rolls, naps. Things I normally don't think about for more than 2 seconds. Some days I just stared at the computer trying to think of something, which looking back, is ridiculous, since I have so much to be thankful for. But the process helped me shift my focus from oh crap, how am I going to make the car payment this month, to hey, I get to go be with my daughter for her school's Thanksgiving Feast today.
My husband, Christopher, me, Jessica and John Gallman |
Yeah the economy stinks, I am unemployed, and Christmas is right around the corner. But for 5 minutes a day let's focus on what we do have, even if it's eyes to see or ears to hear. We all have so much just living in the USA: clean water, free education, highways. Not everyone in the world is so lucky. So for today, for just 5 minutes, give thanks to the universe for one thing you have. Maybe it will change your outlook on the whole rest of the day.
Laraine's 30 days of thankfulness list (in a nutshell) :
1. My husband, Christopher
2. Harris Teeter Super Double coupon week
3. My kids
4. My home
5. Great schools
6.My torn calf muscle almost healing
7. Being able to pick up my daughter from school when she got sick
8. Friends
9. Parents
10. Neighbors
11. Our Dr. Barracus
12. my Dad's 70th birthday party
13. just missing a bad wreck on the highway
14. Beautiful weather
15. Being able to go to Sarah's Thanksgiving Feast at school
16. Rain
17. My husband's blog, and getting to go to England
18. Olga, our former nanny
19. Cinnamon Rolls
20. Naps
21. 75 Degree days in November
22. Travel
23. Safe airports
24. Travel size liquids
25. Frequent flier miles
26. being back in USA
27. Star Wars marathons on TV
28. Unexpected windfalls
29. Calls from recruiters
30. Thankful to be done and thankful for this year
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