Wednesday, April 2, 2014

How's your work life balance?

Work life balance is a popular term in most big companies these days.  At my last employer, we often heard upper management say that they wanted us to have a good work life balance. But as buyers, most of us we were still writing orders on the weekends, and checking emails around the clock. Not to mention traveling at night or on the weekends. That's just what we had to do in order to get the job done.  As working moms and stay at home moms, we get lots of stuff done because we have too (see last post titled "Moms.  We just DO").  We fit that whole Dilbert list up there into our daily lives.  We are awesome at time management and running the show both at work and at home.  We thrive when we are needed and when we are busy.  But are we biting off more than we can chew?  Are we so consumed with having to "Lean In" and do it all, that we are actually burning ourselves out?

What is most important to you?  Is that what you are doing best? If not, maybe it's time to rethink your priorities.  For most of us moms, our first priority is (usually) our family.  But are we really putting them first? Or are our jobs, our commute, and our to do list all getting in the way? What are you ignoring or putting on the back burner because your time is stretched so thin?  Maybe it's your kids, your spouse, your health, or your lack of sleep?

Yes I know that you are important.  People are counting on you. You have quite a lot to do.  And by all means you should do the things that only YOU can do.  Do those important things that need to be done NOW and that will get the biggest results. But you don't have to do everything.  I know it's really hard, but on a few of those non-essential things try to outsource, delegate or say no to some stuff.  I know that you CAN do it all, but hey, you don't HAVE to.

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